Holler in case this is not working for you, as the code on my machine is a bit different, and I did not test the code below.
Below is an update that instead uses only builtin Opusmodus functions. I just noted that the code I shared above depends on other definitions in my library (e.g., the function preview-score). slime-eval-and-preview-opmo-snippet-before-point)) slime-eval-and-preview-opmo-score-before-point)) Creating a menu item, under the menu by the id “” (cons "Opusmodus" (make-sparse-keymap "hoot hoot")) This new menu is only shown when in lisp-mode Creating a new "Opusmodus" menu in the menu bar to the right of "Lisp" menu. (local-set-key (kbd "") #'slime-stop-opmo-playback) (local-set-key (kbd "") #'slime-opmo-midi-playback) (local-set-key (kbd "") #'slime-eval-and-preview-opmo-score-before-point) (local-set-key (kbd "") #'slime-eval-and-preview-opmo-snippet-before-point) (slime-interactive-eval "(display-midi *last-score* :display :window)")) "(Re-)play the last Opusmodus score with a separate MIDI playback window." (slime-interactive-eval "(sequencer:sequencer-stop *audition-sequencer*)")) "Stop the currently playing Openmusic sound playback." (full-expr (concat "(preview-score " score ")"))) "Evaluate the score (an expression in the tot score format) preceding point and preview that score (notation and playback)." (defun slime-eval-and-preview-opmo-score-before-point () (full-expr (concat "(preview-score (list :snippet " score "))"))) wrap call to preview-score around the score before point "Evaluate the Openmusic snippet (an expression) preceding point and preview that snippet." (defun slime-eval-and-preview-opmo-snippet-before-point () Custom function for previewing Openmusic snippets etc It is all a bit hacky, but works for me and perhaps also for others It should also be easy to add menu items and keyboard shortcuts for any other commands (like plotting) that work from Lisp. together with shortcuts shown in the menu. The code below adds to Emacs buffers in Lisp mode an Opusmodus menu with some standard commands like for previewing a snippet, stopping the playback etc.

Try copying the Emacs Lisp code below into your Emacs initialisation file (e.g., ~/.emacs), start Aquamacs again and open a Lisp file. I cannot answer for the builtin Opusmodus Slime functionality, but I developed something similar some time ago on my own, which works in Aquamacs for me.